Thursday, December 23, 2021

I sail away....

 Just like a boat, 

I sail away .

To an unknown land ,

With my closest band.

In search of new life ,

Away from all strife.

Rowing my oar ,

New desires soar.

The sea breeze hits my face ,

Far away there is a misty haze.

New dreams , new hopes ,

Ah !! How warm are my ear lobes . 

It's a fresh new journey ,

Away from mundane tourney.

New lands to be explored ,

I sail away in my little boat.

-Noopur Agarwal 


 ज़िंदगी मेरी तो बस अभी आगाज़ है,

दूर तक कहीं यह परवाज़ है ।

सुनहरे सपनों की डोर से बंधे ,

हैं कई जंग भी मैंने लड़े ।

मगर अभी भी है कुछ खलिश सी,

और है बाकी जिगर में तपिश सी।

रुकना न अभी मुमकिन है,

मगर पता न मंजिलें कौन सी लेकिन हैं।

फकत इन्ही लम्हों में कुछ जिंदगी वसूल है,

आगे बढ़ते जाना ही तो जिंदगी का उसूल है।

-नूपुर अग्रवाल

Who Am I .....


This life ,

I am someone's daughter,

Someone's wife ,

And a mother,,

But often I wonder ,

Is that all I am ,

Or is there more ,

What I am,

In my very core . 

Often do I marvel,

How does purpose unravel,

In the larger scheme ,

What am I to deem ?

Waiting for the day,

To tell me in some way,

How can contribute,

And with what attribute.

Life is short,

And I wish to do a lot !!

-Noopur Agarwal

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Coexist .....


Best kind of love,

They show a pair of dove,

But does it exists? 

Even if one persists? 

The daily humdrum,

And fight for crumb,

Take away the spark,

And sometimes it gets dark,

The reel soon turns real, 

And it no more remains ideal.

We can still coexist,

You you insist ,

Ticking our list,

In a world relativist.

- Noopur Agarwal 



एक रोज़ ज़िन्दगी मेरे घर आयी,

पास बैठी , धीरे से यह फुसफुसाई ,

भागते वक़्त से चंद लम्हे चुरा लेना,

अपने बच्चों को वह सौगात में देना ।

उनकी शैतानियां बन जाएगी तुम्हारी जिंदगानी ,

कर लेने देना उन्हें थोड़ी सी मनमानी ।

है ज़िंदगी उनकी जैसे उगते सूरज की भोर,

हो लेने देना उन्हें रिमझिम बारिश में सराबोर।

देना परवाज उनके ख्याबों को,

मचलने देना उनके दिल की उड़ानों को।

आंकना ना उन्हें रूढ़ि समाज के मापदंडों पर,

समेट लेने देना उन्हें खुशियां झोली भर।

छू लेने देना उन्हें आसमान के सितारे,

अगर करने भी पड़ें कुछ रिवाज़ दर किनारे।

रह जाएंगी यही यादें तुम्हारे साथ,

उड़ जायेंगे जब वह घरोंदो के पार।

-नूपुर अग्रवाल

Soul Knows...


Your Soul always knows,

Whether it grows ,

Or it just shrinks

Or May be you are at brink.

Beauty will fade ,

Body will be casket ,

But my deary,

Soul is the only one you will carry.

So keep it light ,

Indulge in no internal fight,

Let there be joy and peace ,

That's what with, you should leave.

-Noopur Agarwal 

Me Time ....

 Sometimes we need,

A little courage and dare,

Some self love and care .

We are always bound by duty ,

But sometimes we need to

 make ourself priority.

A little me time.,

Will not cost you a dime .

It will refill your cup ,

When you check with self "what's up" .

Time and again , 

With life you need to bargain,

A little something for self,

And it's all ok ,you got to tell .

-Noopur Agarwal 



 तन्हाई हमें क्या कुछ सीखा जाती है,

 इतनी ख़ामोशी में भी कितना कुछ कह जाती है।

अपनों से दूर होने का अहसास चुभाती है,

मगर साथ ही उन्हें और करीब कर जाती है।

खुद को खुदी से भी मिलवाती है,

इस चुप्पी में अंतर्मन का शोर सुना जाती है।

कई बार यह तन्हाई सपने नए बुनवाती है,

कई नई उड़ानों के पंख लगा जाती है।

कभी कभी यह जीवन मंथन कराती है,

इल्म है की कितना कुछ दिखा जाती है।

मेरी तन्हाई तो अक्सर मुझसे लिखवाती है,

राज कई दिल के यूं बयां करा जाती है।

नूपुर अग्रवाल

ज़रा सी रोशनी....


ज़रा सी रोशनी भी,

कारगर हो जाती है,

अंधेरे से जीवन में ,

नया उल्लास भर जाती है।

भोर की किरण भी,

फिर जिंदा कर जाती है,

नव जीवन , नव चेतन का ,

प्रवाह कर जाती है।

एक टिमटिमाती लौ,

दहलीज को शोभित कर जाती है,

रहता है यहां कोई,

यह पता बताती है।

किसी की सीख,

कभी यूं छू जाती है,

एक नए जीवन की ओर,

अग्रसर कर जाती है।

- नूपुर अग्रवाल 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

यह सफर....

अनजान है यह डगर,

चलने का है इरादा मगर ।

एक झूठ ही सही,

है यह वक़्त की चाल नई।

चल पड़े हैं इस सफर,

पार करते हुए कई भंवर।

रहना ना तुम निराश,

लेगें हम मंजिल तलाश ।

भटकेगे कभी,डगमगाऐगे कुछ,

सहरा मिलेगा ,कभी मिलेगा कच्छ ।

हो ही जाएगा पार यह सफर,

मन में हो विश्वास और ललक ।

- नूपुर अग्रवाल 

Let's Jive ....


Life teaches us 

And throws us under the bus,

Still we survive ,

And happy to be alive.

We live even in a tide,

With wounds , that we hide,

Rebooting our lives ,

And may be one day thrive.

It's just a journey, in my eye,

Whether you smile or sigh,

One day to end we all will arrive,

Till then let's gracefully jive.

-Noopur Agarwal

Spread your wings


I no longer miss,

That and this,

The smaller things,

Since now, I have got wings.

Now it's my flight,

I rein the horses tight,

It's my direction, 

And my inflection.

The small things do not bother,

Nor do they any more smother, 

I now fly high,

And see from a bird's eye.

- Noopur Agarwal 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

आज पाया खुद को...


बंद पन्नों से है, जज्बात मेरे,

आज खोल दी है यह किताब,

और सरेआम आम रिस्ते हैं ,यह घाव मेरे

बहुत मुद्दत के बाद , आज पाया खुदको

आज ना रकीब ना हमसाया पाया तुझको।

में तो खुद में ही समाता चला गया,

हर शह, हर दीन, हर शख्स से रिश्ता छुड़ाता चला गया,

मगर यह क्या , फिर अपने अंदर भी बस पाया इनको।

जात ना थी , जज्बात ना थे,

आस ना थी , अरमान ना थे,

फिर भी इस बेहाली में ढूंढ़ता फिरा मै,

बैठा था छुप के मेरे ही अंदर,

दर दर फिरा , मगर देख ना पाया जिसको।

धरती को गले लगाया,

दुआ में हाथों को आसमान से मिलाया,

दरिया में ली डुबकी और अश्कों की बारिश में नहाया ,

किये कोसों तय , उसे मिलने के लिए,

आखिर मेरे भी इंतजार में बैठा पाया उसको,

मुद्दातों बाद , आज पाया खुद को। 

- नूपुर अग्रवाल 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Pain - the Prison of mind


People , events , circumstances or anything external can leave you in anger, frustration , sadness .. But it's The PRISON of our own MIND , which leaves us in PAIN. Sometimes the only reality to look at is if we are becoming prisoners of our own Mind.  

"Pain - the prison of Mind,

Doesn't let you get out of the grind.

The daily struggle,

Living in a small bubble.

Suffocates you each day,

To get out- of it, finding no way.

Limited to self ,

With no one to help. 

If only the mind could calm ,

You will live with no qualms .

Look at thee,

Only you can break free,

From all the hardships,

From all lashes and whips ,

It takes a practice,

To come to centre galactic.

But it's possible ,

And  you are fully able !! "

- Noopur Agarwal 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Inner Artist


Today I want to paint,

No more , no more the rant.

Just do it,

The night is lit,

Crickets humming,

Tea is bubbling.

There lies an inner artist dear,

Close to my heart, very near,

Come on lets make a wish, 

Even if it's just a jibberish.

Let another canvas come to life,

With colors as bright,

Bring out your inner being , 

Holding on to your artistic reign.

Let your hands wave,

And let the imagination make ,

All that is hidden,

So now it's to be liven .

-Noopur Agarwal .

Tuesday, June 8, 2021



So much time has passed by,

Seasons come and go ,

But what my heart desire, 

I am yet to know.

Oscillating between life's opposite poles,

Living with a heart with holes,

So much has been lost,

What a hefty cost.

-Noopur Agarwal

Friday, June 4, 2021

Fly !!

You may be of Earth , but your Spirit knows how to Fly, 
You were born not just to try ,
But to Soar High !!
You may see Darkness around , but your spirit knows the Glow Inside.
You were born , not just to Ignite , 
But to spread the Light.
  -Noopur Agarwal

Wings to my Heart

Let me give wings to my heart, Making a new life from the start .

Flying away from all that drama ,

Coming out of that emotional trauma.

Had my dreams around limited belief ,

Didn't know, the pain, how to relieve,

It's time to let go of the poisnous ivy,

To free myself from tentacles slithy.

The temple bells are ringing ,

It's a fresh new begining. 

From this day onwards,

I look only forward.

-Noopur Agarwal

Friday, March 19, 2021



Renouncing in Grief and Renouncing in Dispassion are different.

In Grief, One says " I do not want anything/ I cannot acquire/ I have lost"

In latter, One says "There is nothing to be acquired; there is nothing to be lost"

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Unfulfilled Desires

How to be free of desires which have not been unfulfilled?

"Accept them and accept them as not being fulfilled."  Then Surrender !!

Trying to reject them brings pain and suffering.

Accepting them as your own , brings peace. They are part of you.

Accepting their destiny as unfulfilled, gives you liberation .

Accepting them as yours, accepting them fully and in love is the pnly way to be free. 

The Spirit


The Spirit will have to learn to live in this body .

And the body has to accept the Spirit.

Only then they can complete their purpose on this earth.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Existence of God....


The biggest blessing and learning that I think I have , being brought in Indian family, is to be able to know that God exists in all living and non living being/ thing.

The presence of God is honored in everything and every being in all forms  and non-forms , in the ancient culture of India.

I do not know how much of it I have imbibed in my life of material world around me. But definitely being brought up with the knowing of it , celebrating it , praying it , has percolated in my being.

How to continue to live each day and moment with that knowing, is a journey - a life long journey for me. And I do not know if I would ever be able to say , I have lived the learning - my culture fully. There is , however, an attempt to learn and live that as a continuous process. 



For each Question , exists an Answer.

But when Question and Answer find themselves within each other , that is Wonder - The Divine existence.

Multi Dimension...


When our Existence is of seven Layers (Source : 

When Body itself exists in 4 Dimension

Then how can Knowledge be one Dimensional ? Or understood in one Layer?

Friday, February 19, 2021

The Juggler

Life is about balance and without balance one cannot enjoy it fully.

We need to take care of our-self physically, emotionally and financially. We also need to give and share our love with family and friends and with society.

One needs to constantly juggle through these and one may be in your hand for a while and soon it may be other. And there may be times when you have all these in hand , but remember that is only a time to rest.

You are a 'Juggler' and you will have to continue the show again. Do not hold just one . Give a good show!!!



My eyes are fading , 
And one day they may decline,
the eyes within will live forever,
and see all that is Divine !!

- Noopur Agarwal

Power within

When we have power within us , why do we seek outside ?

When we have Guru with us , why do we wander?

Realization is necessary and to help with it Guru is required !!

- Noopur Agarwal

Intention - Expression - Transformation

With Writing I Express, with  Painting I Transmute or  Transform.

Why am I not able to paint ? If i don't write I cant begin. If I don't paint I cant finish. The resistance to transmute or bring change will not let me paint.

How do I get through it ? JUST DO IT !!

Intention alone will not help to paint. Expression is important and so is Transformatin.


Every " Gift" is a "Responsibility" !!

The gift is not for self but for use of a Greater good !!

- Noopur Agarwal

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Dispassion and Contentment


Action even with intellect , without dispassion , may lead to remorse.

When action, intellect and dispassion work together , then the balance is maintained and Completion happens , Contentment comes!!

-Nooopur Agarwal

Do Not Forget...


Do Not Forget Who You Are !!

You dont have to remember who you are , 

But never 'forget' who you are !! 

-Nooopur Agarwal

Separation and Union

The strength harnessed from the longing to be one with the separated is unshakable and unbeatable .

the pain which arises from the longing to be united will conjure a force which defeats all Fears . Nothing will stop it.

Then only the Union can happen in Love !!

-Noopur Agarwal


 The Master enters your life twice.

And then He Leaves to never leave you !!

First He comes to take away all your desires , 

and then He comes plant a desire to be worthy of Him !!

First time the Master comes to give you what you need and make you happy,

Then He comes to take all you have and make you Complete !!

-Nooopur Agarwal

Letting Go...

We hold on and do not 'Let Go' ;  for we don't know how we will feel or adjust, once we let go and Clear.
We are afraid of the emptiness of room making.
But when we make room for new, we do not carry 'fear' .
As its said  'Satan grips us through fear' .
'Faith' leads us to Divine.

-Nooopur Agarwal

Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Golden Crown


The baby in me cries for help,
But not long it ever dwell.

I am stronger than I think,
Regaining myself before the brink.

Baby steps do I take ,
Leaps and bounds I do not fake.

Learning to survive with all my might ,
Setting my life in direction right.

I will let my intuition groom,
And forever I will be NABlooms.

This is a creation of my intuition,
Marking yet another step of my evolution.

Taking now some small steps,
Living a life of no regrets.

Somewhere I need to put my foot down,
And on my head I shall carry a golden crown.
-Nooopur Agarwal

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

ज़िन्दगी के लम्हे ..

 ज़िन्दगी के लम्हे गुजर न जाएं,

एक पल तो ठहरो , 

हम ज़रा संभल तो जाएं।

ज़िन्दगी के इस बहाव को रोको,

हाथ से रेत फिसल न जाए।

समय की मझदार बड़ी बेखबर है,

इस मझधार में हम बह न जाएं।

कायनात की करते हो बात देखो,

पानी के बुलबुलों सी उम्र है लाएं।

- नूपुर अग्रवाल